In this context, the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the transition to the cashless future, shaking the digital payments industry and bringing a series of changes and challenges for both merchants and consumers.
Transforming Amid Turbulent Undercurrents, conducted by McKinsey & Company, shows that in 2020, globally, cash payments fell 16%, while cashless transactions rose 6%.
In recent years, with the advancement of technology, the variety of methods that can be used to make purchases has grown.
More than half of the Latin American population already uses crypto assets as a means of payment, according to a survey by Mastercard.
In Brazil, a survey conducted by the National Confederation of Merchants - CNDL and the Credit Protection Service - SPC Brasil, in partnership with Sebrae, indicates that, during the pandemic, 45% of respondents made more payments online including transfers and PIX, while 23% used the credit card more and 21% intensified the use of the debit card and also of cryptocurrencies.
money physical
physical adapting
adapting generations