The Italian Ministry of Economic Development has announced that certain blockchain projects will be able to apply for up to $46 million in government grants starting in September.
The fund will have an initial budget of 45 million euros - approximately USD 46 million at the time of publication - for expenses and costs of 500 thousand to 2 million euros as part of the Italian government's objectives for investments in technology, research and innovation.
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The ministry said that public or private companies and research firms will be able to apply for government funding for the development of projects related to artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and Blockchain technology.
We support the investments of companies in cutting edge technologies with the aim of promoting the modernization of production systems through management models that are increasingly interconnected, efficient, safe and fast.
The Minister of Economic Development, Giancarlo Giorgetti. The goal of competitiveness requires the manufacturing industry to constantly innovate and use the potential of new technologies.
Italian Blockchain
Blockchain government
government Italian